Friday, July 23, 2010


So you are all wondering how sanFrancisco is going well unfortunately we could not get an appointment until August 19th. So me and my mom decided to continue the train trip to Oregon. So after seeing Covenant at church on Sunday Elaine took me to the train station and we got there at 8:00pm and I found out the train was an hour late and so I stayed there and continued to read my book. Then the train was there. So I got on had trouble finding my seat, and sat with this older woman. And read my book until I was done with it at about 1am. Then I talked a little with the woman across the aisle and how she was going back home to spokanne. So I slept at about 1:30am and kept waking up until about two thirty. So the other women across the aisle told me that we were in spokanne and that the seat in front of me was available. So I said thanks and moved up and slept until about 5am because I got a new neighbor and went right back to sleep and woke up at about 6am. And my neighbor was gone. So I sat up and then just sat there looking bored for a half an hour. But then the woman who told me that the seatw were open from spokanne, came and sat next to me and we started talking she was 19 and worked in a hospiital. All of a sudden we became train buddies. So we had been talking for about 4 hours until finally we came to portland. We traded phone numbers and have been talking since. and now I am at my cousins house and have been at the beach. It has been a blast!

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